Bringing Great Taste to Your Table with Green Acres’ Beef

Cooking great meals starts with using the best ingredients. At Green Acres, we’re all about giving you top-notch beef and meats straight from farms that really care about what they’re doing.

We’re about more than just selling you good food. We want to help you know more about what you eat, so you can make smart choices for you and your family.

How Green Acres Got Started

Green Acres began with someone who really loved farming and wanted to do it right. George Lake started this place with a big dream: make beef that tastes amazing and is good for the environment too.

George has been at it for over 30 years, getting better at farming and getting lots of praise for taking care of his land and making beef that fancy restaurants love to serve.

Tips for Cooking Grass-Fed Beef

Our grass-fed beef is super tasty and good for you, but cooking it is a little different.

Here’s what you need to know:

1. Cook it Quick

Grass-fed beef is leaner than its grain-fed counterpart, which means it tends to cook more quickly. This can be advantageous if you're short on time. 

However, it's also easy to overcook, which can make it tough. For a perfect medium-rare steak, heat your pan, grill, or barbecue to a high temperature and cook the beef for approximately 3 minutes on each side. 

This quick-sear method locks in the juices, keeping the steak moist and flavorful. Be sure to let the steak rest for a few minutes after cooking to redistribute the juices throughout the meat.

2. Go Low and Slow

While flash frying can produce a great steak, some cuts of grass-fed beef benefit from a low and slow cooking method. Techniques like sous-vide, where the beef is vacuum-sealed and cooked in a water bath at a precise temperature, can produce exceptionally tender and flavorful results. 

The reverse-searing method, where the beef is first cooked at a low temperature in the oven before being quickly seared on a hot pan, is another way to ensure a perfectly cooked and tender result. These methods may take more time, but they're well worth it for the enhanced flavors and textures they produce.

3. Add Your Favorite Flavors

Grass-fed beef is known for its distinct, rich flavor, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be enhanced with the right marinades and rubs. Since the meat is leaner, marinating it for a few hours, or even overnight, can help to tenderize it. 

Use ingredients like olive oil, lemon juice, or vinegar as the base of your marinade, and don’t forget to add plenty of herbs and spices. Whether you’re a fan of traditional flavors like garlic and rosemary or want to experiment with bolder combinations, such as coffee and chili, marinating your beef not only adds flavor but also creates a more tender and juicy result. 

Rubs, on the other hand, are great for creating a delicious crust. Apply your favorite dry rub to the beef before cooking to infuse it with flavors.

Why Choose Green Acres

When you buy from Green Acres, you’re getting way more than just good beef. You’re joining a group of folks who care about being honest, keeping things green, and really enjoying quality meats.

Come join us and find out how every bite of our beef can tell a story of care, quality, and the good feeling that comes from knowing where your food comes from.

Try our beef and take your meals to the next level. You’ll love the taste, and you’ll be doing something good for the planet too.


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